This will be brief, as my fingers have not yet warmed up after eight hours of standing around a bonfire, holding a half-antlered moose glass of champagne. But since you couldn't join me in celebrating, I felt it only fair to share the good news with those who have been a part of my sweet Annette's journey from when she was first diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma last February. After many months of chemotherapy in Anchorage and a month of proton radiation treatments in Seattle, and a long three month wait for her PET Scan on Monday, we share with you the exciting news that her scan came back clear. The "alien" of a tumor ( her words not mine) inside her chest cavity is not only dead, but gone. Melted away, as her oncologist said it would.
The void, left behind, however, has been filled with so much love and gratitude for you all. For all the kind notes, cards, balloons, food, flowers, yard work, road work (crazy right?), socks, slippers, crystals, lotions, potions, prayers, and pizza --- both of us are forever grateful and indebted to so many extraordinary souls. From every fiber of our beings, we thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

I’m so thrilled with Annette’s test results! Hallelujah ❤️ All good karma begets good karma!!😍🤗yyeeaa!!!!!